Sigh. I’m going to get into a lot of trouble for this. I know some women already have their left hooks ready and feminists are flexing their muscles. I’ll start by saying all this is my opinion and I always stand to be corrected and ladies, we love you ;)
Tag: johannesburg
Why Men Don’t Talk About Rape …
These were the last few lines of the rape campaign ad that featured Charlize Theron some years ago. Today, rape is back in the news and many women are lamenting these same sentiments. Questions are being asked, where are men in all of this rape pandemonium? Why are they not saying anything? Why aren’t they...
You Are The World That You Have Created …
When you’re a child, you’re in the guidance of your parents and they make all your decisions for you – except pooping on yourself. The older you get, your parents try to instill some sort of responsibility into your life by giving you the power to make decisions and dealing with the consequences thereafter. Then,...
Men Who Kill and Women Who Stay …
I am around 10yrs old and I am at a family function. There are relatives everywhere in the yard and me and my younger cousins are sitting on a bench damn near licking our plates clean. My older cousin, ous Pankie, walks past, we like her a lot. She laughs at us with our mouths shiny...
My Boyfriend Has A Girlfriend …
They are happy
He makes her sandwiches
She gets to smell his crisp scent, of nourishing nothingness
He gives her neck-kisses in the morning, tells her she is loved, he loves her and wishes her a great day
She gets to take him in
Dear Black Men …
Dear Black Men: We love you; we need you. We know that it’s not easy to be a man. It’s not easy to be a woman, either; to be educated, career focussed, wanting to grow in love; be the other half that supports a family, supports a home. But we don’t know what it’s like...
Love Is Not Enough …
John Lennon wrote a song called, “All You Need is Love.” He also beat both of his wives, abandoned one of his children, verbally abused his gay Jewish manager with homophobic and anti-semitic slurs, and once had a camera crew film him lying
Rebuilding The Black Male Child – Patriarchy (Part 1)
We need to talk. We need to talk about why we live in a society that lives in fear of the actions of misguided men. We need to look at what we have been teaching our boys that brought us here
Dating A Single Father, Myths and Misconceptions about Single Fathers …
I put the term ‘single father’ inside quotation marks because the concept of single parenting is not as clean-cut as we often think.
Understand Men Better: Do Men Have Issues? Are They Even Real?
It's hard to be a man and when I say this I don’t mean to compare it to being a woman