Category: Understand Men Better

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Men Love Harder …

Men Love Harder …

In my 34 years on this planet I have come to believe this: Men love harder than women, yes women tolerate more than men do, but a man’s love for a woman is one of the purest things you will ever witness. It’s not a “just because I am lonely” type of love or “just because she loves me type of love” , no – it’s untainted, pure and genuine.

12 Hard Truths For Young Men

12 Hard Truths For Young Men

There are many rules, and at the same time you have to make your own rules. Whatever the case, there are some age-old truths for men that have stood the test of time. 1. No one is coming to save you The day you realize this is the day your freedom starts. Not a person....

Dealing With Grief As a Man

Dealing With Grief As a Man

Life is unpredictable and there will come a time when the inevitable passing of a loved one hits you when you least expect it. When that morbid and dark cloud sets foot on your doorstep, you need to embrace it, as hard and as emotionally taxing as it may be. As men, we are taught...

An Apology To My First Real Love

An Apology To My First Real Love

It is often said that there’s no love like the First Real Love. The rollercoaster ride that comes with your first love peaks at a lofty height and even draws you towards dangerous waters. Although it’s all picket fences and roses at first, there comes a time when the thin line between love and hate...

Why Tough Love Is Necessary

Why Tough Love Is Necessary

Lately, I find myself reflecting on my personal journey as umjita, and more often than it is required; I relish at the indelible fact that, some things are painful but necessary…like tough love.  Depending on who and how it is exerted, tough love can be your ally in turbulent times. Luckily for me, I have...