Category: Marvin Podcasts

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Men Love Harder …

Men Love Harder …

In my 34 years on this planet I have come to believe this: Men love harder than women, yes women tolerate more than men do, but a man’s love for a woman is one of the purest things you will ever witness. It’s not a “just because I am lonely” type of love or “just because she loves me type of love” , no – it’s untainted, pure and genuine.


Power FM x Marvin Conversations – How Insecurities Can Affect The Quality Of Relationship

How insecurities can affect the quality of relationship? Featuring resident psychologist Nthabiseng Ramotwala   Route for some of these insecurities As we have relationships we get information that is called a script for your life, as you interact with other people and they tell or give you feedback about yourself and things that you do,...


Yes, You Could Be Having Better Sex

Here is a great conversation that my fellow speakers for the Loving Women, Understanding Men: Better seminar on the 27th of August had with Aphelele on Power FM. If you don’t have 23 minutes to spare I have pulled out some of the highlights of the conversation below, although there are some great gems from...


Power FM x Marvin Conversations – The One That Got Away

Are you the man or woman that your ex’s family is still stuck on? Or are you struggling to win the heart of your partner’s family, especially their mother because they are still fond of your partner’s ex? As we discuss the complexities of introducing partners to our families, sharing a child with someone you...


Marvin Conversations with PowerFM 98.7: Defining a perfect Man

The sentiments amongst many men is that the expectations and definitions of what makes a good man usually relegate men’s issues – issues outside their roles as partners and parents into secondary or peripheral thoughts. Join the conversation with @princessapplzz Aphelele Somi about the tendency to speak of men as what they are not, rather...