Category: Conversations

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Eintlek, What Do You Want?

Eintlek, eintlek what do you want? At this very moment, what do you want? Ok, maybe you hungry, or you wish your next meeting would just not happen. Maybe you just want to go pee. Well, don’t hold it in, otherwise, you’ll need pampers when you hit 60. But, besides that stuff, what is it...


Are Black People F*N Up The Country?

A few weeks ago a friend and I had one of those news/newspaper sparked chats that most of us hate to have but end up having anyway. The one about the current state of the country. I even had the humorous version with my drunk as land sea horse ‘plane mate’, Charles on a flight. There’s really...


Living By The DNA Code: Do Not Assimilate

It is hard enough to be an African in a globe that does not genuinely see the continent’s value. It is even harder when we adopt worldly views and behaviourial patterns as if our own were a curse from the Gods, who obviously must be crazy! Africans, be. As an African, I have come to...


The ABC’s of Breasts

I struggled a bit to find the right words for this post. The subject matter should come quite easily to me considering I have a pair of my own. Initially thought it would be wise to start this off by giving you a definition of what breasts are, but none of the terminology; medical or...