One of the most difficult things to admit, even to us, is that the mistake is ours. It’s easier to point fingers and blame someone else for what could be purely your fault. This is true in our personal lives and also in the corporate world.
Who takes the blame for a break-up in relationships? More often than not, a man will cheat on the weekly but the first time his partner cheats, after years of being faithful, then she is labelled all sorts of ugly names that should never be repeated. He doesn’t reflect on his actions, how he never made time for her, how he never made her feel special, how he literally pushed her away. Similarly a woman will expect her man to stay faithful while she’s not making herself available to him sexually or emotionally. When he does step out of line, after trying several times to open up to her, she puts a “he’s a dog” sticker on his little mane. Again, no introspection, just an outward burst of emotion. In both examples, the chances that self-improvement will take place in preparation for the next relationship are slim.
Within the corporate world, the blame game is the in thing. Without giving names, it’s safe to say that many companies have that culture. Rather than show leadership, accountability and dare we say, honesty, most senior managers and executives would rather shift the blame, point a finger at someone they should have been mentoring and showing the ropes. Instead they literally tie the rope around the heads of the younger, ambitious and less experienced but promising individuals for them to hang in. We wont even mention politics!
Being accountable and honest about our actions is not easy but when we get it right, we are respected for our integrity even if it means we loose a lot of other things in the process. Above all, that integrity, that honesty in revealing that you made a mistake, allows for personal growth and builds your character… This is perhaps clearest in some of the icons of our time, people, companies, entities that admitted they were wrong and proceeded to do the right thing…
Writer: Katlego Modipane Photographer: Khumbelo Makungo