Trust lived in the dark and tempting ages where a man was lured to gnaw at the forbidden fruit, which the slithering snake crawled around it as if it were a skeeming ribbon. See trust lived for years and years. He actually hogged our lives’ Oxygen for many eons. Many fell for the robes that...
Tag: marvin
Lust Is Deliberate And Not Accidental …
Lust is historically accepted as the insatiable craving for sexual pleasures [hell of a beast!] one we best associate with serpentine imagery; a kind of sensual serpent with a knowing secret smile, eternally persistent. Lust is deliberate never accidental. If we accept this idea of Lust as represented as a serpent then it would follow...
An Open Letter To My Nephew … And Other Young Men Who Come Into My Care
Dear Nephew, I call you that because you are truly cherished (in a way that I doubt I could explain to you sufficiently in words). I am not particularly fond of you because your father abandoned your fetal-self, nor because we share the same DNA here I could wax lyrical of how I helped raised...
Man up! Breakdown of Masculine & Feminine
So telling a male to man up is at most useless. The only way you can get him to man up is to stop mothering him/being the man. If he WANTS to be a MAN he will step up to the Masculine role
Cape Town is not Racist. Cape Town is on some other tip on this one.
So the question is, is Cape Town an inherently racist? I’m not one for gross generalisations, that’s just retarded, so I thought it would help if I gave my first hand experience in race relations in the Mother City. Firstly, there is an assumption that racism is perpetrated by whites onto unsuspecting black. No fam,...
Why Men Don’t Talk About Rape …
These were the last few lines of the rape campaign ad that featured Charlize Theron some years ago. Today, rape is back in the news and many women are lamenting these same sentiments. Questions are being asked, where are men in all of this rape pandemonium? Why are they not saying anything? Why aren’t they...
You Are The World That You Have Created …
When you’re a child, you’re in the guidance of your parents and they make all your decisions for you – except pooping on yourself. The older you get, your parents try to instill some sort of responsibility into your life by giving you the power to make decisions and dealing with the consequences thereafter. Then,...
Men Who Kill and Women Who Stay …
I am around 10yrs old and I am at a family function. There are relatives everywhere in the yard and me and my younger cousins are sitting on a bench damn near licking our plates clean. My older cousin, ous Pankie, walks past, we like her a lot. She laughs at us with our mouths shiny...
The Truth About Being Single
Two of my favourite people are getting married, this summer. I am happy for them , I am happy because I believe that there is no greater accomplishment or achievement in life than the voluntary undertaking by someone, to share with you
Here’s To The Crazy Ones. There’s something incredibly sexy about following a route you’ve carved for.
“ Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers. The round pegs in square holes. The ones who see things differently. They are not fond of rules, and they have no respect