Category: Understand Men Better


Should I Settle The Score Now?

Fam allow me to share a story with you, about this girl that never wanted nor loved me when we were in high school… Her name is Mbali. She was that girl that always made her statement! She wasn’t that girl everyone wanted, of which is why I was more attracted to her. She was...

The Boy Child …

The Boy Child …

As the kids were marched off to their first day of school on Wednesday, 11 January 2017, perhaps the most significant experiences, were those starting for the first time, and those going into high school for the first time. As children embark on their journey to school, I believe that parents should also embark on...


Dear Marvin …

I’ve been dropping my pupils on Marvin and just recently, my ears heard your voice on Cliff Central with G-Man The Ad Man. You know moss Grant? Here’s the thing, after incorporating that interview into my morning rituals, I couldn’t help but think that ‘Kubi’… ‘Kubi’ blind my guy. The fact that I have to...


Do Black Men Marry Their Mothers?

When it comes to choosing a wife, a man really is drawn to someone cut from the same cloth as his mother, says Fiona Macrae. According to, “Research proves the truth of the old adage that men tend to marry their mothers.” So in an attempt to find out if this is the case...


The Perfect Man …

I’ve been paying particular attention to the messaging that is being thrown about in commemoration of Women’s Day and Month. By and large it’s about society acknowledging and embracing the virtues of womanhood. Basically, it’s about women being women above and beyond everything else, not just as mothers, wives, sisters, daughters and side chicks. As...


Man up! Breakdown of Masculine & Feminine

A healthy relationship needs someone carrying the masculine energy (usually the man) and someone carrying the feminine energy (usually the female). In a relationship the people/energies react to each other. When you interact with someone who has more feminine energy than you, you tend to occupy a masculine space in relations to them. When you...


Dating Women Who Aren’t Beautiful

In September 2015 when I met Sonto at a social gathering I’d attended. It turned out we had gone to the same high school. She looked beautiful, I can vividly remember her blue dress and how the colour seemed to highlight her beauty. We began dating two weeks later, and as naïve as it sounds,...


Indoda Yesimanje Manje (Modern Man)

When the resident office trickster, George, asked me to write on the modern man, I was very reluctant. In fact, I turned the piece in at the last minute because the word “modern” is devoid of meaning to me. Instead, I started thinking about manhood itself, and my very identity as a human being, as...