Category: Understand Men Better


Dear African Man …

Dear African Man, I saw you standing to the side with your head held high, broad torso and wise eyes, trying not to draw attention to your magnetic presence. I noticed that you endured wars, suffered my humiliation, and labels like Garcon! Boy! N***er! whilst still holding your ego in check. I walked towards you...


There Are No Men Like Me …

It sounds like an arrogant thing to say but really I feel that men like me are a true rarity. I’m that man that always opens the car door for his woman, that will offer to carry heavy bags for any woman and that will stop and help a woman who is struggling with a...


Conversation with Menzi Mcunu

Q: What do you do for a living? A: I am currently studying a bachelor of social science degree at the University of Cape Town however I also do creative consulting through a photographic collective that I have co-founded – Made in Johannesburg and run a bespoke menswear lifestyle brand – Afrocentric Gentlemvn Q: What...


The Struggling Feminist Man

And so we find ourselves in a time, as in all of recent time, where we are at war with each other and ourselves. No generation before us has known such division amongst people. It seems, like in most relationships, life was better before we met, before Columbus met the Native Americans and the commencement...


Leading The Way …

Contrary to popular belief, leadership and power are not synonymous. There are many individuals with influence and power that are not particularly leaders. The perfect example is Oprah Winfrey, she is such an influential personality and is considered one of the most powerful women in the world, however, she is not a leader in the...