Category: Understand Men Better


Understand Men Better: Why Men Shut down

Shutting down is such a common thing amongst men when we are upset and dealing with a lot of emotions at once. I believe that shutting down happens a lot in relationships because as men we are forced to deal and open up to someone else besides family and friends. The reason I bring up family and friends...


Where I Am From …

When you create something magical chances are that moment is as bland as possible, it is so basic at times yet so fulfilling. When you create something no one has created before so much goes through your mind, will they get it this time, is this thing even worth it. I remember that these were...


What Jay-Z’s ‘Footnotes for 4:44’ reveals about celebrity relationships — and our own

Jay-Z’s latest album, “4:44,” has been praised for openly displaying his emotional vulnerability, most evident in the title track. “Footnotes for 4:44,” released Monday afternoon on Tidal, is an 11-minute video that takes this effort further, enlisting several famous men of color to dissect their relationships on camera. Publicity ploy or not, it’s refreshing to hear these honest reflections...


I Was Depressed.

My father was shot dead a bit over two years ago. That day plays over and over in my mind as if I’d watched everything unfold on a TV screen. It was on a very cold and wet Wednesday evening when I received a call from my not so little sister, asking me to rush...



I remember hearing the Drake song “Successful” for the first time and I could relate even though I had no understanding what success meant for him. I just wanted success whatever success meant at the time, money, cars, clothes etc. You start working on your dreams and you realize that they demand more from you...


It’s A New Dawn …

Change comes in all different shapes and sizes and like Oprah said if you listen to the whispers of your life you will understand where your life is trying to take you therefore you should well prepared. I have been going through changes, big changes and subtle changes. While others are hard not to miss,...


Redefining Masculinity

I was weird looking when I was growing up, I looked like a girl when I was a child – I would wonder what my parents thought about it at the time. I had a lot of soft features such as small eyes, small ears, eye lashes enough to be teased that I was putting...


Making Of The Modern Man

Good Morning Thursday morning, 13 February 2003, roundabout… 8am. My mother has this tendency of telling me things I need to do that day, while I’m sleeping and, of course, the chances of me remembering these are very slim. So she continues to do exactly that, but all I can hear is mumbling. I’m trying...


I Met the Modern Man …

I met the Modern Man at a funeral today. He was a father crying for his daughter’s death, but as an A-student of the well-taught adage that men don’t cry, his tears spilled from his heart, not his eyes. His wife, too weak and pained to do anything, was sitting on the floor, head bowed...


Men Online vs Men Offline

Ladies would agree with me on this one…the first thing they pay attention to when you send them a “Friend Request” is your profile pic, your photos, where you work, where you hang out and who you hang out with. I said “Friend Request” because really it has to be just that. So if you...