I am a feminist
I am a feminist because I believe in gender equality
My long and short of it, this is
I am clear it is clear
Removed from the cluttering chatters and detractive dialogue about bitterness, men-hating, lipstick, sluts, ice-queens, whores, ladies, petticoats, bitter, better
I am clear
It is clear
I am a feminist
I believe in gender equality
I deserve as much a place in this world as someone born with a penis, does
The place denied to me
I am a feminist
I must be a feminist;
– part of the movement
– a contributor
– a driver
– an advocate
contributor driver advocate
My voice should be heard, even without a prominent Adam’s apple
My ideas deserve attention
They are brilliant
I am brilliant
I am not a ball of emotions
I am a thinker
Analytical too
because my brain is actually not smaller than a man’s
….contrary to what you may have heard
Contrary to what you may have been taught
Contrary to what you may have been raised with
I am a feminist because it is the only way that I can be a woman in a world where my vagina is a curse
Where I have been raped
Will be raped
Will be cackled
Where I have children I didn’t choose to have…
choices made for me
….children who respect me less than their father; my endeavours duty, their father’s a gift; mine expected, his cherished
– belittled
– diminished
– unappreciated
…diseases I do not deserve
Fluids forced…
I’m in a world where I am an ice-queen if I choose to not sleep with Paul
A whore if I do sleep with Paul
Much worse if I sleep with Paul…. and maybe George
That is the world where I exist, with space to me denied
Squeezed into stripping boxes marked
Shelved where I am hurt not heard; singed not seen
I am a feminist
I have no interest in hating men
I love them, in fact
I love the way (that) they smell:
musk concealed by cologne
musky cologne concealing musk
I like to taste them, many parts of them
I like the way that they feel
Or not feel
Or try to not feel
And more importantly the way they feel to the touch
my touch
I also like the way that they touch
touch me
…boldly intrusive
I am a feminist because I believe in gender equality
I have no interest in dictating to women what shade of lipstick is more natural
More classy
Less… slutty
My shade of choice is red
rouge choice
And the only lips nude are those of the nude
I have no interest in telling women what to be
How to live love stride strive strut
I do not shame
Equality means being able to determine yourself
be yourself
to choose
to be the self you choose to be
I have even less interest in bitterness
In bitter
I am sunshine
I am a feminist
I must be
I need to be
because every day, my world finds a new way of diminishing me
a new chorus of hate
and sadly, some of my sisters sing lead:
My vagina is tighter than your vagina
Writer: Nomfundo Shezi