There is a universe where you exist better
You have loving parents
You are not neglected
Your mother does not call you a demon
Your father does not leave
You are not in pain
When was the last time that we were happy?
When was the last time that I felt happy?
I was leaving Malawi
Kola had invited me to her house for lunch
She had also threatened to drag me to her church
I believed her
It was a Sunday
The Sunday after the Friday that Kola and I had met trying to buy coconut oil
We hadn’t found coconut oil
But we had found friendship and a pair of blue velvet pumps which were lovely but uncomfortable
We had found better
That was the last time
That last Sunday, sitting in the lounge at the Backpackers, in my blue dress and uncomfortable but lovely blue pumps waiting for Kola and thinking lovingly about you
Football jerseys were displayed on the ceiling: cheap Backpackers kitsch
I really only cared about the Manchester United jersey
Your team
I took a picture and sent to you
A shared piece between us, a bit of you with a bit of me
You loved it
You called and we spoke about little nothings and more little nothings
You wanted to see my blue dress
My church dress
I wouldn’t let you
I didn’t think that you would think I looked pretty in it
I wanted you to think that I was pretty because then you would love me
I refused. I was not ready to have you not love me.
You laughed at my no, thinking it was just shyness
Warmly, kindly
‘You’re so cute’ your laugh said
Close enough to pretty
Close enough to being loved, to being adored
And then we hung up – Kola had arrived
But then you called again, to say nothing really, and that felt so good because it said: for no reason at all, you just wanted to talk more
Maybe you wanted to love me
I giggled after
Full of love and hope
All my walls fallen
That call reminded me of the other time that I was happy
When I was sick and you fed me medicine and sent me to bed
Spending your afternoon between the football and checking in on me with forehead kisses, even though you thought I was asleep
I felt safe
You made me feel safe and less alone
You made me feel like I finally no longer had to be alone
I felt like I belonged
Those times are different from this time
You are different this time
You are not loving
There are no forehead kisses
There is no kindness
There are no warm smiles which make me feel that I am cute and could be pretty and then loved
I don’t recognise you
You have left me
I am alone
Writer: Nomfundo Shezi Photo by Eloise Ambursley on Unsplash