Apple has unveiled the 2021 iPad Pro, its most powerful tablet and the first from the company to feature a mini-LED display. The premium device was revealed during Apple’s first product launch event for the year, dubbed “Spring Loaded”. Apple said the iPad Pro 2021 offered 50% better performance than its predecessor thanks to its M1 chip. “The addition of the Apple-designed M1 chip delivers a massive leap in performance, making iPad Pro the fastest device of its kind,” Apple stated. Claimed improvements include 75% faster CPU speeds and 40% faster graphics performance than the 2019 iPad Pro, as well as two times faster storage. The Cellular version of the new tablet is also the company’s first to boast 5G connectivity, offering up to 4Gbps network speeds in ideal conditions.
New display panel
Similar to its predecessor, the iPad Pro 2021 is available in two sizes – 12.9 and 11 inches.
However, this time around the larger model features a Liquid Retina XDR display which uses a Mini-LED panel instead of a conventional LCD panel.
This new screen boasts a resolution of 2,732 x 2,048 and 264 PPI.
Instead of the single or only a few LED backlights, mini-LED displays boast thousands of smaller LEDs measuring at most 0.2mm.
These allow the display to deliver deeper blacks, higher brightness, and better contrast, making it great for viewing HDR content.
However, it should not be confused with Micro-OLED technologies such as Samsung’s AMOLED screens, which have individual LEDs for each pixel.
Meanwhile, Apple has stuck to an LCD panel for the smaller option, which sports a 2,388 x 1,668 resolution and 264 PPI.
Hardware and camera
For taking photos and videos, users get a 12MP main camera and 10MP ultra-wide lens on the rear, supporting 2x optical zoom and 5x digital zoom.
The front sports a 12MP TrueDepth ultrawide camera which can automatically focus on subjects as they move in a picture.
This system supports 4K video recording at up to 60fps.
Notably, the tablet’s USB-C port now supports Thunderbolt, making it capable of faster data transfer speeds.
In addition, it allows for output to additional monitors, super-fast storage, and a range of Thunderbolt peripherals.
Storage options are offered in 128GB, 256GB, 512GB, 1TB and a new larger capacity of 2TB.
Pricing and availability
Both models are available in Silver and Space Grey colours.
The iPad Pro 2021 will be up for pre-order in the US from 30 April, with general in-store availability slated for the second half of May.
Pricing for the Wi-Fi-only 11-inch model starts at $799, which gets you 128GB of storage.
The 12.9-inch variant with only Wi-Fi will set buyers back $1,099, while the Wi-Fi+Cellular model will begin at $1,299.
Below are the specifications and images of the 2021 Apple iPad Pro.
2021 Apple iPad Pro | |
OS | iPad OS 14.5 |
CPU | Apple Silicon M1 processor |
Display | 11-inch 2,388 x 1,668 LCD / 12.9-inch 2,732 x 2,048 mini-LED |
Storage | 128GB / 256GB / 512GB / 1TB / 2TB |
RAM | 8GB / 16GB |
Rear camera | 12MP + 10MP |
Front camera | 12MP |
Ports | USB-C 4 with Thunderbolt |
Cellular | 5G |
Connectivity | Wi-Fi 6 Bluetooth 5.0 |
Biometrics | Face ID |
Battery and charging | 11-inch: 28.65Wh 12.9-inch: 40.88Wh 20W charging |
Dimensions | 11-inch: 247.6 x 178.5 x 5.9mm (466-470 grams) 12.9-inch: (280.6 x 214.9 x 6.4mm (682-685 grams) |