Stay Fresh all through the Summer …

Not everyone can grow a beard and having a beard is not for everyone. Personally the beard makes me look older than I am therefore I am more confident when I am clean shaven. Well you can stay fresh this summer with these grooming products.


The Cologne Talc is best applied immediately after a shower or a bath, to leave that long lasting fresh scent way after you have stepped out the bathroom. The powder creates a mist on the skin, which later bursts into dew freshness.   Recommended Retail Price: R 30.99 (200g) Available from: Selected Clicks stores nationwide.

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Get that clean smooth look with the BIC Flex 5 Shaving blade. Popular for its flexible top which can bend and twist to the edges of any face, this blade will sure leave your full face surface smooth and bump-free. Stay cool for up to 48hrs with the Mitchum Advanced stick, the antiperspirant stick leaves a you feeling confident even after todays in the heat of fire. Whether camping in the sub-Sarahi or, jamming to the live sounds from your favourite band.

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