How Much Should Your Salary Be? Adzuna’s ValueMyCV Tells You …

Built by job-search engine Adzuna, the nifty Value My CV tool makes salary analysis a quick-and-easy process. By simply uploading their resumes, users can get an estimate of what their salaries should be. While some users may be skeptical of such a tool, employers also sometimes use tools to sift through all the resumes they receive.

Value My CV scans resume for keywords and analyze them to offer a salary prediction. It even has additional features that can email the results to your boss, show related job listings, and offer recommendations for a new career path. While this sounds like a win-win for users, some may be surprised when the tool reveals that they should actually be earning a lower salary.

According to Daily Mail, “Adzuna claims people’s CVs can often also let them down — a survey of 3,000 CVs found that at least a third contained spelling errors, for example.” If anything, Value My CV can offer a fresh perspective on your resume, and allow you to patch-up the weak spots. On the flipside, a hefty salary prediction can help you negotiate more cash
